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What is "LA Witness?"


We're creating an outlet from out local communities to the less fortunate, that provides clothing & resources. This is a system generated by local communities that provide help to those who don't have the every opportunity that most of us do; wheather it's because of mental illness or because they can't simply afford choosing between eating or getting a haircut for an interview. For every purchase we want to donate a shirt to donate to out local less fortunate community “SKID ROW,” & put some of the earnings into a go fund me account to fund out organization to give back and Aid the less fortunate. We want to shine light on the situation instead of putting a blind eye like these corporate buildings are. We need to expose these billiards that are constructing condos on top of skid row instead of putting a blind eye to the situation. In addition We want to shine a light on the Venice boardwalk as well, because it's being bought by Snapchat for their own personal campus. In the process of that we want to mentor, promote and help local artist become successful and connected with the right people. For the past few months we have been a start up company and it's gonna take a while and your help to get the exposure and network. We'll eventually become a nonprofit organization that promotes the idea of having local communities in our cities to help our own people, because we all need a hand and help once in a while; the government can't do everything on its own and if we have a local self funded program in each state or even around the world that provides resources, support or food; Together, we can become locals. Because Locals help Locals. So become one. 

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